Right wing commentary on world politics from a man on a mission to prove that Conservatism transcends national boundaries. Thoughtful comments from people of all political persuasions are welcome and encouraged. Contact the blogger at elephantman.conservaglobe@gmail.com.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Israel Election Results

With 89% of the vote counted, the projected results are as follows

Kadima - 29 Seats in the Knesset (Parliament)
Labor - 20
Shas - 12
Likud - 12
Israel Beitenu - 11
National Religious Party/Ntional Union - 8
Pensioners Party - 8
United Torah Judaism - 6
Meretz - 5
Balad - 3
Hadash - 3
United Arab List - 3

This is a very interesting result. Kadima, while still in first place, did much poorer than expected. Likud dropped into fourth place (possibly fifth by night's end). Israel Beitenu came out of nowhere to take 11 seats (up from two).

The most suprising news of the night is the strong finish of the Pensioners Party. The pensioners have ran in every election in Israels history, but they have never gotten into the Knesset. However, they blew onto the scene in the last week as a protest vote for twentysomethings in Tel Aviv. These people were apparently fed up with the establishment political parties (particularly all of the rhetoric about Hamas and national defence). Hence, they voted for the one party that they could feel good about, a party that has no agenda other than taking care of grandma and grandpa.

Obviously, Kadima leader Ehud Olmert will form the government, but he will have to build a rather large coalition of parties to get to a majority of 61 seats. Labor (20 seats) will probably be a part of the coaliton, since they support Olmert's plan to withdraw from the West Bank. The Pensioners (8 seats) will be easy to get, because they have simple demands (give more money to grandpa). United Torah Judaism (6 seats) is also easy to get, all that Kadima has to do is agree to fund a few Orthodox religious causes, like yeshivas (religious schools) . This gives the coalition 63 seats.

While I would certainly prefer a coalition led by Likud, I like this result. Thanks to the rise of the Pensioners, Olmert no longer needs incorportate the far-left Meretz party in his coalition. Labor will certainly try to drag the government to the left, but adding Meretz (which is VERY far left and wants to give LOTS of land to the Palestinians) to the mix would have made it far worse. Thanks to the pensioners, Olmert can now pursue a more centrist agenda (which is what he wants).

Monday, March 27, 2006

Election Update:

Pols should be opening about now in Israel's historic parliamentary election. I will comment on this extensively after the polls close, but here are a few resources and tips on what to watch. Remember, Isreal is a Parliamentary democracy, so the leader of the mojority colaition in the legislature will also become Prime Minister.

News sources: Jerusalem Post, Ha'aretz news service (haaretz.com)

Things to Watch:

There are 120 seats in the Knesset (parliament). A majority of 61 seats is required to form a government. Israel has a lot of parties, and no one party has EVER won a majority. Instead, watch coalitions.

The most likely coalitions (as I see it) are Kadima-Labor-Meretz (on the left) and Likud-Yisrael Beitenu-National Religous Party-National Union (on the right)

The wild cards are the ultra-Orthodox religious parties (Shas, United Torah Judaism). These could go either way.

There are also three Arab parties (Hadash, Balad, United Arab List). They will probably be left out of coalitions, beacuse they are all pro-Palestine. However, the left wing may reach out to them if it is absolutely necessary.

The left wing coalition (led by Ariel Sharon's centrist Kadima Party) is widely expected to win, but the right wing parties may be able to assemble a so called "blocking majority" if the leftist coalition (including the Arab parties) fails to win 61 seats. This would probably require the help of one or both ultra-Orthodox parties.

Watch the battle for third place. Kadima and Labor will probably finish one-two, but third is up for grabs. Likud is slated to finish third, but Yisreal Beitenu is surging and may diaplace them. This is imporatant because both of these parties are right-wing, and whoever finishes first will probably end up leading the "blocking coalition". Yisrael Beitenu leader Avigdor Lieberman has hinted at the possibility of cooperating with Kadima, but I doubt that he will look a gift horse in the mouth if he gets the chance to lead a rightist coalition.

ConeservaGlobe Endorses the Likud Party, led by Benjamin Netanyahu.

Elction Updates:

Yeterday, parliamentary elctions were held in Ukraine. 62% of the votes have been counted, and the three major parties finished as follows.

Party of Regions (led by Vicktor Yanukovych) - 29.49% of the vote
The Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc - 22.54%
Our Ukraine (Led by President Viktor Yuschenko) - 15.63%
Seven other parties split the remainder of the votes.

Obviously, I am rather disturbed by the stong finish by Yanukovych's party (If you don't remember Yanukovych, he was the guy who tried to fix the presidential elections and got overthrown by the Orange Revolution). In my opinion, any return to Ukraine's dictatorial past is a VERY bad thing. However, it is important to remember that the only reason the Party of Regions came out on top is that the supporters of the Orange Revolution have split into two factions (Our Ukrain and the Tymosheko Bloc). I am extremely heartened by the fact that the Yulia Tymosheko Bloc crushed "Our Ukraine" to solidify it's position (at least in the minds of many Ukrainian voters) as the TRUE party of the Orange Revolution. I respect President Yuschenko for leading the revolution, but he has been rather wishy-washy as President. He has started cooperating with the Party of Regions, and he shattered the Orange colation by dumping Tymoshenko as Prime Minister and replacing her with a member of his own "Our Ukraine" Party. On the other hand, Tymoshenko is the true voice for democracy in Ukraine, and she has rightly refused to cooperate with Viktor Yanukovych.

(Note: This election has no effect on Yushchenko's presidency, Ukraine has seeperate elections for that job. However, the leader of the majority coalition in this parliament will take the number two job of Prime Minister, which comes with a substantial amount of power over the country's domestic policy)

PERSONS OF THE WEEK - March 19-25, 2006

Without a doubt, the biggest news items last week were the protests in Belarus and the brutal crackdown by authorities (at least that's may opinion). Two men led drive for a free Belarus, but their different visions for the revolution may have been their undoing.

When the protests began, opposition leaders Alexander Milinkevich and Alexander Kozulin united to lead the demonstrators. Unfortunately, it soon became apparent that they had their disagreements as to how the protest should progress. After a few days protesting in Oktyabyrskaya Square, Kozulin wanted to tell the protesters to go home until a massive rally on Saturday, Milinkevich wanted to stay (and so did the crowd of demonstrators). This episode showed the first sign of dissention, but it would not be the last. The culmination of the fued happened at the Saturday rally. Milkievich wanted to avoid confrontation by keeping the crowd of 10,oo0 protesters in the park where they had gathered, but Kozulin had his own plans. With about 3,00o demonstrators in tow, Kozulin led a march toward Minsk's main prison, where several hundred arrested protesters were being held. His march was confronted by a massive force of riot police who silenced the protest savage beatings and percussion grenades. Kozulin himself was detained in the event.

I've been thinking this for days, but now I'll say it: All movements with more than one leader eventually splinter, to the detrement of all. Kozulin was not half as popular as Milinkevich, yet he seemed to have insisted on joint leadership of the revolution. In the end, this rash actions ended up tearing the movement apart. Had Kozulin done the right thing and ceded the leadership of the protest to Milinkevich, I would probably still be giving updates on a massive protest in a park. Insteadm, the revolution came to a halt in Kozulin's bloody clash witth the police. A lot of people have wondered if Kozulin was planted by the government to sabotage the Denim Revolution, and I will admit to being one of them.

Lastly, let me say that I don't think that the Denim Revolution is fully over. Milinkevich remains free and I am sure that he will continue his crusade for a free Belarus. The protests got the attention of the world, which responded with increased sanctions. There will probably more protests, and I have no doubt that the dicatorship of Alexander Lukashenko will eventually fall due to their efforts. I thank the Belarussian protesters for showing the world the true meaning of courage.

ConservaGlobe's Persons of the Week are the two faces of the Belarussian opposition: Alexander Milinkevich and Alexander Kozulin.

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Sunday, March 26, 2006

Disturbing Video of Belarus Crackdown

I found this news footage on the Belarussian opposition website Charter 96. It shows riot police mercilessly beating potesters. It is disturbing but I recommend that everybody watch this.

If you don't care about what's going on in Belarus, this video could change your mine.

If you still don't care about Belarus after watching, at least you will realize how lucky you are to be living in a free country (asssuming you live in one)


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Saturday, March 25, 2006

Thousands protest in Belarus

The yogurt has officially hit the fan.

Up to ten thousand proteters have massed in Minsk. They have been met by several thousand riot police, who are engaging in mass arrests and beatings. Among the detatainede are Alexander Kozulin and Alexander Milikevich's spokesman. Milinkevich remains free for the moment.

Apparently, the crowd is marching to Minsk's main jail to demand the relaease of the hundreds of activists detained yesterday.

In a speech, Milinkevich has proclaimed the creation of a "Belarussian National Liberation movement."

I have plenty of good sites chronicling the revolution in Links section (about halfway down). I highly recommend Neeka's Backlog, Charter 97, Belarus Election 2006: The Chronicle of Resistance, and The BEING HAD Times. I will not be back at my computer until late tonight, so I suggest that you visit these blogs if you need more info.

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Friday, March 24, 2006

Authorities arrest Belarus protesters...all of them

Before dawn this morning, Belarussian police broke up the tent camp where election protesters had been maintaining their vigil. 460 Denim Revolutionaries have been arrested. Luickily, Alexander Milinkevich remains a free man.

In the grand sceme of things, this could actually be a good thing, because it is forcing the world to acknowledge what is going on. I am finally able to find good coverage on Yahoo! News, and the U.S. and E.U. have already responded with economioc sanctions against Belarus.

The thing to watch now is whether this eventy increases of decreses turnout for the rally on Friday. Hopefully, Belarussians will show up in droves to protest the unjust arrests of hundreds of innocent people.


Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Denim Revolution Update

It is now being reported that Belarussian opposition candidates Alexander Milinkevich and Alexander Kozulin have had a falling out. Apparently, massive rally is being planned for this coming Sunday, and Kozulin wanted protesters to go home until then. On the other hand, Milinkevich wanted a continous demonstration until then. The reports as to what happened next are conflicting. Belarus Elections 2006 Blog is reporting that they are still fueding and have in fact parted ways. On the other hand, Neeka's Backlog has reported that the two have settled their differnces and are back on the same page. I have come to trust both of these sources over the last few days, so I'm sure that they will both have the exact details soon.

I will hold off on commenting further until I know exactly what is going on.

However, I will say this: The Denim Revolution will press on whether Alexander Kozulin is a part of it or not.

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Monday, March 20, 2006

PERSON OF THE WEEK - March 12-18, 2006

I was so consumed with the Belarussian elections on Sunday that I neglected "Person of the Week". So, without further ado....

Yeah, I know that a lot of you were expecting Milinkevich, but Luakshenko and his cronies made a bigger splash last week. In particular, Lukashenko gave us the weeks most interesting sound bite when he said he would "wring the neck" of protesters "like a duckling's". So, while I respect Alexander Mikikevich for his class in the final days of the campaign, Lukasheko's tireades about a conspiracy to overthrow him earned the title of Person of the Week.

P.S. Another reason that I didn't give the award to Milinkevich is that I am hoping and praying that I will be able to give it to him NEXT week, after he has brought the Lukashenko regime to its knees (I don't like giving it to the same person two weeks in a row.)

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Denim Revolution Update

The biggest news of the moment is that police are blocking people from entering Oktyabyrskaya Square in Minsk. According to Charter 97, they are making sure that noibody can bring hot drinks and warm clothes to the protesters. It has also been reported that the two sons of Alexander Minlkinkevich were briefly detained by authorities as they were on their way to the square.

The world media is continuing its deplorable lack of coverage. However the Associated Press has written one story, and it is interesting to compare it to the accounts given by Charter 97.

According to the AP: There are only 5,000 portesters, they are all tired, people are leaving, and there is no appetite for any kind of confrontation with the police. Generally, it is portrayed as a quiet vigil by people who know they have been defeated.

According to Charter 97: The protesters number in the "Dozens of Thaousands", the protest is GAINING intesity, and some of Belarus' most populat rock groups have been performing throughout the night.

Personally, I am more inclined to beleive Charter 97 when it comes to the attitude of the protesters. Their accounts contain far more detailed descriptions of events (and I doubt that they are lying about the rock groups). As for the number of protesters, either side could be right - I doubt that anyone has taken a head count. Either way, a crowd of several thousand angry protesters is a force to be reckoned with.

As I see it, the Denim Revolution not even close to being over with.

Stay tuned....

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Denim Revolution: Day 2

There is a massive rally in Minsk's main square, but it is not getting any coverage in the world media as of yet.

The opposition website Charter 97 estimates the current size of the crowd at 20,000 and growing. However, I cannot verify this number since the world news media doesn't seem to be terribly interested in this story. According to Charter 97, this rally is basically a huge party, with lots of rock music, flag waving, and red balloons. A few minutes ago, Alexander Milinkevich asked the demonstrators to cal their families and encourage them to flock to the square (and also requested that they bring warm clothes and hot tea).

Here in America, the Bush administration has joined Milinkevich in calling for new elections.

In other news, Dictator Aleaxnder Lukashenko declared that the Demnim Revolution has already failed. Apparently he got the wrong impression when everybody went home last night due to a blizard.

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Sunday, March 19, 2006

More Belarus stuff

I am now seeing reports estimating that as many as 50,000 people could be gathered at Oktyabyrskaya square, but I am not fmiliar with the source and don't know how reliable it is.

Milinkevich's website is back up and running at a new adress, but don't bother going there if you don't speak Belarussian. The English, Russian, and French versions aren't working yet.

Some people are leaving the square - I don't blame them, I can only imagine what it's like to stand outside at night in the middle of a Belarussian winter (brrr!!)

Milinkevich hes asked people to gather in the square at 6:30 PM (Belarus Time) tommorow. Best as I can figure, that should be right about lunchtime here in the US (give or take a few hours).

If you want more coverage, go to the Belarus Elections 2006 Blog. This site has been giving lots of updates with lots of cool photos.

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Street Rallies Begin in Belarus

The polls are closed, and "results" are starting to come in. The head of the countrys election commision announced that 92.2% the voters in the nation's hospitals and military units (1.2% of the population) voted for Lukashenko, and said that the total results are not expected to be much different.

Meanwhile, thousands of Mimlinkevich supporters have gathered in the the main square of the capital, Minsk. The number of protestors in Oktyabrskaya Square is not certain. The two estimates I have seen are vastly different and both come from sources that could be biased. A photo caption by the Associated Free Press, working in collaboration with the Belarussian state-run media, set the number at 6,000. On the other hand, Radio Free Europe set the number between 20,000 and 30,000. I'm not there, so I can't judge the number for myself. I know that the AFP number is at least an hour old, and the protest is growing. I don't know when the Radio Free Europe article was written, but I'm guessing that it maight be a little more recent.

Either way, there are lots of people taking to the streets in Minsk. Lukliy, neither the police or the KGB have tried to break up the protests.

Stay tuned...

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And so it begins....

Oppositon websites in Belarus are being shut down. Among the casualties is Alexander Milinkevich's official campaign website.

(Reported by the Committee to Protect Bloggers)

I checked, and Alexander Kozulin's website is still up. It will be interesting to see how long that website lasts. I have heard the theory floated that Kozulin was set up by the government to siphon support from Milinkevich. I don't particularly buy this theory, especially since Kozulin and Milinkevich appeared together a few days ago and seemed buddy-buddy, but I do find it interesting that Milinkevich's site was shut down while Kozulin's was left up.

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Laughing at Lukashenko

"Exit polls" have been released in the Belarussina elections. Dictator Alexander Lukashenko Is shown winning 84.2% of the vote, followed by pro-Lukashenko candidate Sergei Gaidukevich (3.1%), oppostion leader Alexander Milinkevich (2.0%), and opposition candidate Alexander Kozulin (1.9%). Those who voted against all candidates tototalled 8.8%.

Okay, I think that it is rather ovbious that this exit poll is bogus, considering that ten thousand people flocked to the streets in support of Milinkevich and Kozulin just a week ago. While I think it is sad that yet another election in the Former Soviet Union is being rigged, I can't help but laugh at the amateurish fashion in which Lukashenko is doing it - because all he is doing is shooting himself in the foot by himself look like a corrupt idiot while the entire world is watching.

You see, the key to succesfully rigging an election is to create the ILLUSION of legitimacy, and this exit poll does not even come close to creating that illusion. A more believable forged result would be 55% for Lukashenko compared to 40% for Milinkevich. Secondly, the REALLY laughable part of this poll is that it shows Gaidukevich coming in second. Sergei Gaidukevich is considered a "soft critic" (and even a supporter) of Lukasheko, and is widely considered to be running just to create the illusion of a fair election. Very few people in their right mind would vote for one of Lukashenko's supporters oover Lukashenko. My guess is that Gaidukevich really came in dead last. Thirdly, it is totally unrealistic that more people voted for no one than for Milinkevich.

The Denim Revolution will probably not be a very light-hearted event, at least not if the KGB has anything to say about it. So, I think it is apporopriate to engage in a little bit of humor about the subject while I still can. So, let's all take a moment to collectively laugh at the ineptitude of whoever produced this forged exit poll.

Now that we've had our laugh, let's pray for the safety of the revolutionaries.

"People will laugh at those figures. In Poland, people began laughing at communist authorities and this is when Solidarity won. We are getting there."
-Alexander Milinkevich

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Saturday, March 18, 2006

Zero Hour in Belarus!

Polls are now open in Belarus' presidential election. Good luck to Alezander Milinkevich and all freedom-loving Belarussians. We all hope that this election goes smoothly, but chances are that it will be falsified. My guess is that the Denim Revolution will oficailly get underway within 48 hours (probably sooner)

Stay tuned to ConservaGlobe for news and opinions on the Denim Revolution. I also suggest that everyone visit "The BEING HAD Times" (see my Links section) for coverage from inside Belarus.

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Friday, March 17, 2006

Denim Revolution Countdown

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Alexander Milinkevich Rocks!

I'm liking Belarus' oppositon presdiential candidate more every day. I think the thing I like most about him is his blunt language tinted with hint of sarcasm. For example, when Belarus' KGB cheif said that people who take to the streets in protest of the coming rigged election will be charged with terrorism, Milinkevich said "We wish the KGB leaders success in their fight against terrorism. We ask only that they do not confuse terrorists with peaceful citizens who will peacefully protest on March 19 against fraud, fear and humiliation"

On another occasion, he again poked fun at the KGB- "They're frightening us with the KGB and explosions. This is completely stupid. We will come with flowers and stick them in the shields of the (riot police)."

I've heard a lot of people say that Milinkevich is a soft spoken academic, but whether he does it softly or not, he's great at telling it like it is.


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Thursday, March 16, 2006

BBC won't say "KGB"

The big news out of Balarus today is that the head of the country's "security force", the KGB, has announced that the opposition is plotting a violent coup after Sunday's elections. Stepan Sukhorenko also said that those who take part this "coup" could face capital punishment. I will talk more about his comments later, what I want to talk about right now is the BBC's coverage of this story.

Maybe its jus me, but I was extremely bothered by the fact that the BBC never once used the term "KGB" in their article. I instead, they simply referred to Sukhornenko as the head of "Belarus' security service." Personally, I think that the fact that this "security service" still uses the name "KGB" is rather notewothy. Also, the KGB is not a "security service" - that term implies that they are the local police force. A more accurate term to describe the organization would be "secret police". Their function is not to keep the Belorussian people safe, it is to make sure that anyone who criticises the government is....shall we say....taken care of. This was illustrated last week when they beat the snot out of opposition presidential candidate Alexander Kozulin.

In reality, the Belorussian opposition only want democracy and are asking for peaceful protests if the election is rigged (which it will be).Yet, the way I read the article, the BBC almost seems to buy the argument that the KGB... I mean... the "security service" are just trying to keep people safe from an opposition that may be planning a violent coup. I've seen some pretty wild stuff from the media, but I have to admit that this is the first time I have ever seen a news service sugarcoat the news in favor of a repressive Stalinist dictatorship.

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Monday, March 13, 2006

PERSON OF THE WEEK - March 5-11, 2006

The one big story of a generally slow news week was the unrest in Thailand. Thousands of protesters have taken to the streets demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Thaskin Shinawatra. From what I gather, the protests have to do with the PM's decision to sell off his shares of Shin Corp (a leading Thai telecommunications company that he helped found). There are two problems with this. First, Shinawatra exploited loopholes in the tax code to avoid pay ANY capital gains tax on the 1.88 billion US dollars he made in the deal. Second, and probably most important, the group that he sold the shares to is owned by the Singaporean Government. The Thai people apparently consider Shin Corp to be a great national asset and are not pleased that foreigners will now hold a large stake in it (So this is the Thai version of the Dubai Ports fiasco).

Honestly, I don't have an opinion on this. I don't know much about Thailand, I can't figure out who is on what side of Thai political spectrum, and I don't know the intricacies of the Thai tax code to tell you whether or not I have a problem with Shinawatra exploiting loopholes. However, what I can tell you is this: Many Thai people are angry, and this could become a very big news story if they do manage to force the Prime Minister's resignation. Hence it is only fair to name Thaskin Shinawatra, the man who started this whole brouhaha, as ConservaGlobe's Person of the Week.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

PERSON OF THE WEEK - Feb. 27- March 4, 2006

Thousands of prostesters took to the streets in Belarus this week after hearing that presidential candidate Alexander Kozulin had beaten and arrested by the secret police. I have heard it estimated that 10,000 people rallied in the capital city of Minsk alone. Kozulin was not a major candidate, in fact he was not even the first choice of the opposition, but he totally changed the state of Belorussian politics by daring to stand up to dictator Alexander Lukashenko. This arrest may have been just what was needed to spark the people of Belarus to rise up against the forces of tyranny.

If threre is a revolution, chances are that the main opposition candidate, Alexander Milinkivich, will emerge as leader of the country. However, if Milinkivich wins, he will be forever in the debt of ConservaGlobe's Person of the Week, Alexander Kozulin.

Note: Just as a side note, I figured I'd take a stab at predicting what the next Former Soviet Revolution will be called (Georgia had the Rose Revolution, Ukraine had the Orange Revolution, Kyrgystan had the Tulip Revolution.). I noted that Milinkivich and the opposition have adopted blue jeans as their symbol. So if anything hapens in Belarus, I am predicting that we will be calling it the "Blue Revolution", the "Blue Jean Revolution", or (my personal favorite) the "Denim Revolution". You heard it here first :)

Friday, March 03, 2006

Unrest in Belarus


Yestersay, an opposition candidate for the presidency of Belarus was beaten and arrested. All that Alexander Kozulin did was try to attend a conference where incumbent president Alexander Lukashenko was speaking, and now he finds himself charged with "hooliganism". Such is life in Europe's last remaining totalitarian dictatorship.
However, there is a silver lining to this cloud. In response to the Kozulin's arrest, thousnads of protesters have taken to the street in the capital city of Minsk (and they didn't bother to try to get a permit, either). I am extremely heartened by this news, because Belarus is the last place that I thought this would happen. Lukashenko is far more imposing of a foe than any other dictator in the Former Soviet Union. He rules the country with an iron fist and says that the only reason that he doesn't call himself a Stalinist is because the word has taken on a negative connotation in the popular culture. He has even maintained the KGB (which is long dead in Russia and the other Former Soviets). Yet, freedom's light can shine in even the darkest places, and the Belorussian people have proven the naysayers wrong by standing up for their rights even though it means confronting Lukashenko and the KGB.
I don't know if this will result in a "color revolution" like we have seen in Ukraine, Georgia, and Kyrgyzstan - but I definitely think that it is possible. Thosands have already taken to the streets, and they could be joined by thousands more after the coming election (which will almost certainly be rigged). In my eyes, this could be a defining moment for the entire Former Soviet Union. If the forces of freedom can take down Alexander Lukashenko, then they can take down anyone.
I'll keep you posted.

PERSON OF THE WEEK - Feb 20-26, 2006

Sorry I'm late on this one, but better late than never. Last week was a difficult choice, because not many people made huge individual contributions. However, one man that stood out was Ismail Haniyeh, the man selected by Hamas to serve as Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority. He is viewed as a "pragmatist", and a lot of people are hopeful that he will be the one who turns Hamas into a moderate, legitamate political movement. I doubt that. He still has no interest in dealing with the Israelis unless they first allow the return of every Palestinian refuegee who has left Israel since the War of Indepenedence. That is not going to happen, because it would drive thousands of Israelis from their homes and turn Israel into a majority-Arab state. Ismail Haniyeh knows that his demands are not going to be met, now or ever, and any hopes that he will bring peace are misguided. Yes, he may be considered a pragmatist - but that's compared to the rest of Hamas. Compared to the rest of the world, he is quite radical.

Either way, Ismail Haniyeh is bound to make things interesting in the Middle East, and as such has earned the right to be ConservaGlobe's Person of the Week.