Sudan VP John Garang dead in plane crash.
The peace process in Sudan my have taken a heavy blow with the death of First Vice President and former rebel leader Dr. John Garang. He was sworn in only three weeks ago after his Sudan Peoples' Liberation Army (SPLA) declared a truce with the Sudanese Government. The SPLA, which was based in Christian/Animist Southern Sudan, had waged a two-decade war against the Government, which was dominated by Muslims from Northern Sudan.
I will post more on this as the facts of the situation reveal themselves. For now, I will refrain from stating my opinion on Dr. Garang and the circumstances of his death due to lack of available facts and conflicting media perception of Garang himself. (Reuters seems rather favorably disposed toward him, while the BBC seems not to like him at all.) When I get clearer picture of what exactly is going on, I will pass what I know and what I think on to you.