PERSON OF THE WEEK - June 11-17, 2006
It took me a while to figure out who deserved the award this week. I thought about giving it to someone related to the surge of violence in Sri Lanka (which, to me, was the biggest news of the week), but then I realized that there were no individual people making news there. Then I thought about the World Cup soccer tournament, but I decided that I should probably wait until the later rounds to mention the world's largest sporting event. Then I thought of the elections in Slovakia and...Well...I think it's kind of self explanatory why I didn't choose that story. Finally, I came back to a suggestion made in my "Comments" section earlier in the week, Karl Rove.
True, I have a distaste for awarding this title to passive newsmakers (Karl Rove really didn't do anything, it was the special prosecutor who actually took action). However, I didn't have many other choices and I couldn't resist the opportunity to tip my hat to the man that we in the Conservative Movement call "The Architect" (Leftists call him other names, but I can't mention those on a family friendly blog). Besides Rove's non-indictment was a real shot in the arm for the Bush administration. It reminded the public that the Democrats rhetoric is just that - rhetoric and nothing more. With Rove exonerated, the Democrats can no longer run their congressional campaign on the idea of an imminent indictment of high-level administration officials (although they will probably try, which will only make them look desperate).
I congratulate the Architect on his exoneration and heave a sigh of relief at the thought that the legal system has not yet been to totally politicized. (The indictment would have been for a cover-up of a non-crime. Valerie Plame was not a covert operative, so mentioning her name was not a "leak". ) So, for not getting indicted and dealing a huge blow to the left-wing scandal-mongers, Karl Rove is ConservaGlobe's Person of the Week.
NOTE: I wholeheartedly thank the commenter who suggested this selection. I can become so globally minded that I forget the news that happens right here in the USA. I would like Person of the Week to be an interactive feature, so please feel free to submit your own choices for the award!
DISCLAIMER FOR SLOVAKIANS: I do not mean to imply that Slovakia is without international significance. To the contrary, I think that this weeks elections were bellwether event for Eastern Europe (although a rather disheartening one). I may blog on it in the future, but I thought my readers might appreciate a well known Person of the Week for once. (That, and I wasn't in the mood to do the necessary research to write an informed commentary on Slovakian politic). I may yet comment on the subject, just not tonight.
Tags: Rove, Karl Rove, PlameGate, Valerie Plame, Bush, Politics, News, Person of the Week
Good choice. And many thanks from a reader who barely knows what's going on in the USA, let alone the rest of the world.
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